Regarding preaching, I don’t want to say to much, because I am not a theologian. However a there are a few things that every priest should be told upon ordination.
First, you are not a standup comic. One laugh line per sermon is enough. Make sure that at least every month you preach a sermon that is completely serious, without being depressing.
Second, despite what they may have taught you at St. Roosevelt Divinity School, the New York Times are not holy rit. If you are quoting articles from the Times with anything approaching the frequency of which you quote from any one of the four gospels or if you mention the Grey Lady more frequently than Our Lady, then you need to stop.
Third, there is nothing more topical than the next Holy Day that falls on a weekday. Remind your parishioners that though we do not have Holy Days of Obligation, we do have Holy Days of Expectation.
Fourth, you can and should preach on any one of the three creeds, any of the seven sacraments, or on the importance of Daily Prayer.
Fifth, though we are a protestant church it is perfectly legitimate to preach on the church fathers, the ecumenical councils, the rule of St. Benedict, or almost anything from the 2,000 year history of the church.
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