This blog is just the ruminations an NYC Episcopalian who feels he is always pulling his hair out over the madness that passes for sense in the Episcopal Church.
Let me start with the remark by the Presiding Bishop that it is good that we don’t have replacement levels of children among our parishioners, because that means we are more educated. But of course any educated person would know that it is dangerous for a population to have less than replacement levels of children because it tends to replace evolution by natural selection for fitness with randomness as the basis of the passage of genes. Further since a replacement level of reproduction is prerequisite to a flourishing civilization, educated people with a long term orientation would naturally have a replacement level of reproduction.
Or take the attempts to neuter the persons of the trinity. While it is undoubtedly the case that the Holy Spirit has no known gender, the Son clearly has not only gender but sex, while the Father is so called by the Son. Thus the gender of the first person of the trinity is actually testified to by the second person thereof. Never the less progressive priests try to neuter the first and second persons of the trinity with other three fold language usually, creator redeemer and sanctifier. Unfortunately this involves them in the denial of the creed of St. Athanasius. “Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Ghost.” While we may sometimes wrongly associate the Father alone as creator, this is denied by the scriptures and the creeds.
In other words, the reformers who claim to want to bring our religion more into conformity with science, a goal I do not altogether depreciate, don’t know enough about science or our religion to do so.